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Emma Hawkins coma

Coma nightmare: Emma appears on the front page of Real People!

Coma after brain bleed when I was pregnant… story in Real People mag Mum to be and unborn son survive devastating coma Emma Hawkins was just 24 weeks pregnant when she collapsed at work and fell into a coma. Devastatingly, she’d suffered a massive brain haemorrhage. Her husband was warned to expect the worst and…

Wrongly accused of kidnap

Innocent dad accused of kidnap

Innocent dad – James Cooper’s story appears in Take a Break magazine Want your story to appear in a newspaper and a magazine? Featureworld specialises in multi deals – meaning your story gains additional publicity. After his story appeared in the Sunday Mirror, I arranged for James Cooper’s story to appear in Take a Break…

Duncan Gray, Featureworld, This Morning

Crazy husband Duncan Gray tracked my every move…

My husband Duncan Gray tracked my car and bugged the house … story in Woman’s Own magazine After years apart Duncan and Annette Wensley were reunited by their own son.  But their relationship wasn’t to be happily ever after… In the summer of 2017 Featureworld received an amazing story about a couple who were reunited…

Alyson Mortimer, gastric band

Gastric band nightmare: Husband’s birthday present almost killed me

Gastric band nightmare: Husband gave me a gastric band for my 50th birthday – and I almost died. Story in THAT’S LIFE mag  Mum of three and grandma Alyson Mortimer had gastric band surgery in Egypt because it was cheaper than the UK But when the surgery went drastically wrong, she ended up coming back…

Surgical instrument left inside me

Surgical instrument left during op scarred my insides

Surgical instrument left inside patient … story in REAL PEOPLE mag Lucy was shocked to find that doctors had left a surgical instrument inside her, during an appendicitis operation three years ago. The metal hook could have stopped her having a second child, but miraculously she gave birth to a boy   This is the…