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CSA dad Ross Mclaughlan - Natasha Bell

Natasha Bell speaks out – Ross Mclaughlan must take DNA test

Natasha Bell and mum Angie Nelson tell their story in the DAILY MAIL Two weeks ago Ross Mclaughlan appeared in the Daily Mail to tell his story about how he is being hounded for child support for a daughter he has never met and never knew existed. Mr Mclaughlan claimed he has no recollection of…

Stalked by crazy ex

Crazy ex boyfriend put listening devices in bedroom

Joanna Dawson’s ex bugged her bedroom with listening devices – story in the SUNDAY PEOPLE  Jealous Wayne Bamford wanted to listen to what was going on in her bedroom and check she wasn’t seeing another man He now faces a significant custodial sentence Joanna came to Featureworld with her shocking stalking story When she began…