Lesbians Rebecca and Vikki Lomax tell their uplifting sperm donor story in the DAILY MAIL…
The new face of Parenthood? Meet the lesbians who used a gay man’s sperm via Facebook to have their TWIN sons…
Kenzie Kilpatrick, a gay man from Birmingham, recently publicly told how he has acted as a sperm donor, trying to help 50 childless women fulfil their aim of becoming a mum – and has fathered TEN children by NINE women. Kenzie was advertising his sperm on a Facebook website.
Rebecca, 27 and Vikki, 23, wanted children but couldn’t afford to go through an expensive IVF clinic. And thanks to Kenzie, they now have gorgeous twin sons Samuel and Alfie.
When Kenzie’s story was published, he was criticised by a local charity who claimed he was opening himself up to potential problems by donating directly to couples instead of via a licensed clinic.
And Rebecca and Vikki who are so grateful to Kenzie for fulfilling all their dreams wanted to publicly thank them.
After agreeing a contract where the couple agreed not to ask Kenzie for maintenance and he agreed he would not have anything to do with any child’s upbringing, the couple travelled to Birmingham where Kenzie lives.
There Rebecca inseminated herself with Kenzi’s sperm and was delighted when she got pregnant first time.
The couple were over the moon to find they were going to be mums to twins.
They say they can’t thank Kenzie enough for his generosity and they hope he will also donate sperm to Vikki so she can have a half sibling for the twins.
Kenzie has said in a previous article he has decided to stop donating sperm, although for those women he has already helped he will continue to give them siblings.
In 2009 the law on gay couples having babies changed. As the couple are married (or for any couple in a civil relationship) they are the legal parents of the boys. Their sons do not have a legal father and both Rebecca and Vikki’s names are on the birth certificates.
Read their story in the Daily Mail.
Have you had a baby via a sperm donor? Or maybe you are a child who has found out your father was a sperm donor. If so do contact me for advice on getting your story into the media.